She’s baaaaack…

Ok guys let’s not beat around the bush 2020 sucked and 2021 sucked just that little bit more didn’t it. Yup I accept for some, amazing things have come from being herded indoors like cattle on a wet Wednesday but for the rest of us struggling to make the 9-5 work around kids pets andContinue reading “She’s baaaaack…”

The ordinary| Rose hip Oil Review

So I feel after all of this mornings goody bag treats I needed to balance out my beauty bias today with a review of a very popular product by all accounts. I know a lot of beauty buffs who swear by rose hip oil and really wanted to give it a go to replenish myContinue reading “The ordinary| Rose hip Oil Review”

Triple Threat Thursday: Best Buy Review

Good morning my beautiful DL followers…it’s time for Triple Threat Thursday!!! 🥳🥳 yup that’s right folks from here out every Thursday you can expect a weekly Thursday triple review. Why you need one? Well if you’re like me and have thoroughly run out of gas by Thursday and are praying for Friday to roll aroundContinue reading “Triple Threat Thursday: Best Buy Review”

Skin inflammation Beauty must have!!

So here we have another Wednesday best buy folks! Listen up because if you’re anything like me and suffered a hormonal breakout at 30 I feel your pain! I thought I was too old for this sh*t too but apparently Mother Nature thinks differently, and is it just me or does good old dot toContinue reading “Skin inflammation Beauty must have!!”

Wednesday’s woes Best Buy!!..

Here we are back again at our midweek point people…you know that feeling, the hard Monday slog, preaching you’ve got this on Tuesday and come Wednesday your hair has had enough of the dry shampoo and your feelings of positivity have gone right out of the window alongside your ability to have the energy for…wellContinue reading “Wednesday’s woes Best Buy!!..”

Makeup tricks that always work has nailed it again!… Don’t forget those brows people 🙌🏻 Makeup is a thing of magic, we all love it and we all hate it from time to time. But, makeup is something we all say we can live without, but can we?… Makeup tricks that always work

Product review: A two in one…

Happy Sunday my beautiful beauty crew…so if your sundays are anything like mine they are usually filled with the ‘get Monday ready’ tasks…you know make the lunches, wash the uniforms…then cook, clean…clean yourself…hang the washing out bring the washing in iron, do the dishes and on and on the list goes… So In light ofContinue reading “Product review: A two in one…”

Plump lips tips 💋💋…

Happy Friday guys, gals and tinkerbell’s 🌈🎉🎉 so I’ve been getting a few questions lately about best lip products for that extra bit of plump this summer and if you’re anything like me and my friends it’s likely you might just be too skint or too scared to pay for that filler. Now guys IContinue reading “Plump lips tips 💋💋…”

Tan prep hack…

Ok guys soooo if your like me and have the complexion of Casper the friendly ghost but also have dark hair I 1000% know you are going to know what I’m talking about when I talk of applying a little fake bake! Yuuup you know how it is your shaved your a silky smooth VenusContinue reading “Tan prep hack…”

What’s that NEXXXT?!!…

Next product up saie glowy super gel…well yahhh kinda is what it says it’s a gel it’s supposed to make you a dewy glowy goddess annnd yeah it’s £22 for mostly bottle and 30ml of gel. Look I’m not going to lie I read rave reviews about this product on cultbeauty but if you’re likeContinue reading “What’s that NEXXXT?!!…”